Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Holy Nation of Heaven

Matthew 13: 44 The Picture- Stories of the the Gold Buried in the field and of buying a pearl
“The holy nation of heaven is like a box of riches buried in a field. A man found it and then hid it again. In his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

I must give my whole life to Jesus.

Matthew 13: 47,48,49,50 The Picture- Story of the Fish Net
“The holy nation of heaven is like a big net which was let down into the sea. It gathered fish of every king. When it was full, they took it to shore. They sat down and put the good fish in to palls. They threw the bad fish. It will be like this in the end of world. Angels will come and take the sinful people from among those who are right with God. They will put the sinful people into stove of fire where there will be loud crying and grinding of teeth.

When Jesus comes, He will fetch only the people who believe in Jesus.
The other people will be burned and it will hurt.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Matthew 13: 23

The seed which fell on good ground is like one who hears the word and understands it. He gives much grain. Some seed gives one hundred times as much grain. Some gives sixty times as much.
I must understand Jesus word.
I must be obedient.
I must grow in my relationship with God.
Then I will bear fruit like love, kindness, patience, forgiveness.

Matthew 13: 30
Let them grow together until the time to gather the grain. Then I will say to the workmen, ”Gather the weeds first and put them together to be burned. Then gather the good grain into my building “’”( heaven)

On the day of judgment when Jesus comes back, He will fetch only people who believe in Jesus.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A lot of work to be done

Matthew 9: 37-38
Then He said to the followers,” There is much grain ready to gather. But the workmen are few. Pray then to the Lord who is the Owner of the grain fields that He will send work-men to gather His grain.”

The grain is people who don’t know Jesus.
We must pray for God and ask Him to send Missionaries to tell people about Jesus

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1Peter 3:10-12 Teaching For All ChristiansMatthew 9: 26-30 The Healing Two Blind

“If you want joy in your life and have happy days, keep your tongue from saying bad things and your lips from talking bad about others (telling lies). Turn away from what is sinful. Do what is good. Look for peace and go after it. The Lord watches over those who are right with Him. He hears their prayers…”

I must not tell lies, then I will be happy and God will hear my prayers.

Two blind men followed Him…. “Do you have faith that Men.I can do this?” They said to Him “Yes sir! “ Then Jesus put His hands no their eyes and said, “You will have what you want because you have faith.” Their eyes were opened.

Jesus is God.
He can do miracles.
I must have faith.
I must believe in God.
I must have a relationship with God.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Matthew 8 : 16 Many People Are HealedMatthew 8 : 16 Many People Are Healed

That evening they brought to Jesus many people who had demons in them. The demons were put out when Jesus spoke to them. All the sick people were healed.

Jesus can heal all the sick people.
Demons are a afraid of Jesus.
Demons should go away.

That evening they brought to Jesus many people who had demons in them. The demons were put out when Jesus spoke to them. All the sick people were healed.

Jesus can heal all the sick people.
Demons are a afraid of Jesus.
Demons should go away.