Thursday, August 20, 2009

A lot of work to be done

Matthew 9: 37-38
Then He said to the followers,” There is much grain ready to gather. But the workmen are few. Pray then to the Lord who is the Owner of the grain fields that He will send work-men to gather His grain.”

The grain is people who don’t know Jesus.
We must pray for God and ask Him to send Missionaries to tell people about Jesus

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1Peter 3:10-12 Teaching For All ChristiansMatthew 9: 26-30 The Healing Two Blind

“If you want joy in your life and have happy days, keep your tongue from saying bad things and your lips from talking bad about others (telling lies). Turn away from what is sinful. Do what is good. Look for peace and go after it. The Lord watches over those who are right with Him. He hears their prayers…”

I must not tell lies, then I will be happy and God will hear my prayers.

Two blind men followed Him…. “Do you have faith that Men.I can do this?” They said to Him “Yes sir! “ Then Jesus put His hands no their eyes and said, “You will have what you want because you have faith.” Their eyes were opened.

Jesus is God.
He can do miracles.
I must have faith.
I must believe in God.
I must have a relationship with God.